bear island

Bear Island Boats builds and sells handmade wood strip canoes that are functional works of art to honor the heritage of traditional boat building.

The boat shop has been a dream of mine for many years. As an avid canoer and Outward Bound Instructor I was inspired by the functional works of art created by Master Craftsmen Ted Moores.

Following my dreams, I graduated from Bear Mountain Boats school of boat building in Ontario, Canada prior to Ted's retirement.

As the universe conspired to make my dreams come true I purchased an old Finnish homestead alongside the Bear Island River in Ely, MN

The boat shop situated on the Bear Island River honors the rivers heritage as a waterway that served as a regular trading route for homesteaders, loggers, and the Anishinaabe.

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The Bear Island Boat shop will:

Keep the time-honored craft of cedar strip canoe building relevant in a changing world 
Advocate and support organizations who utilize canoes in their mission to serve

Everyone must believe in something. I believe I’ll go canoeing.

Henry David Thoreau

richard stuart of bear island boats

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